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Q: Is it true that drinking water while standing affects your knees, as some people say? +
A: It doesn’t affect knees. Water should be consumed slowly sip by sip so that saliva gets mixed. So sitting down is a good idea.
Q: How does plant-based diet contribute to the improvement of arthritis ? +
A:Following a plant-based diet, green juice, intermittent fasting, and avoiding processed foods and milk products, along with regular workouts, positively impact arthritis. The inflammation-reducing properties of plant-based foods played a crucial role.

Blood Pressure

Q: How accurate are blood pressure measurements, and are there common errors in the diagnosis of hypertension? +
A: Blood pressure measurements are often taken incorrectly at doctor's offices, leading to higher readings. Proper measurements, such as research-grade measurements, may differ significantly from routine office measurements. There are 19 different elements that constitute an accurate BP measurement, and failure to adhere to these guidelines may result in higher readings.
Q: My BP is 140/80. I am continuing on juices, etc. Is it in control? I want to overcome without medications. I walk for 1hr daily. +
A: The most recent guidelines by Joint National Committee (JNC-8) released in 2014 recommend that people under age 60 need to maintain their BP levels below 140/90 without medication. Target for those over age 60 is 150/90.


Q: Kindly share if there are any additional inputs to follow PBWF diet for growing kids, below 10 years? +
A: The diet remains the same; the only difference is that you can have a slightly longer eating window of 10-12 hours.
Q: What is the ideal PBWF for a young infant being weaned of breast milk?+
A: Fruits, vegetables, cereals, beans, nut or oat milk, etc.

Cooking Oils

Q: How does oil consumption affect health, and what are the potential health implications of including oils in one's diet? +
A: Oil consumption can lead to obesity, heart disease, and other health issues. It's essential to limit or avoid oils and focus on whole foods for fat sources.
Q: What are the recommendations regarding the consumption of coconut products, and why is coconut oil discouraged while ghee is preferred? +
A: Coconut is very healthy. Coconut water is exceptionally good. Coconut milk and butter are also acceptable. Only coconut oil is bad. I only allow consumption of oil of up to 2 teaspoons a day by those who are healthy and not on any medications. If you fit that profile you can use coconut oil, but everything you would do with it can also be done with ghee. Ghee is better as it has a better omega-6 to omega-3 ratio.
Q: Why should oils be limited or avoided in a PBWF diet? +
A: Oils are highly processed and calorie-dense, and they lack the fiber and nutrients found in whole foods. Limiting or avoiding oils can help with weight management and reduce the risk of chronic diseases.
Q:Can you recoomend methods to cook subji without ghee/oil.+
A:1 Sauté onions and spices in few tablespoons of water or use vegetable stock. 2.You can add ground mustard seeds or nut butters like peanut or cashew butter. 3.Use air fryers to replace deep frying or bake. 4. Mix avocados into dough to make stuffed parathas. Avocados are 80% fat.
Q: Can you give few suggestions for zero oil meals ?+
A:Salads with avocado, fruits, nuts, and seeds, blended vegetable soups, various chaat dishes, sprouted mung salad , Eggplant bharta, Thai spring rolls with peanut sauce.
Q:In effort to reduce use of oil from our diet (particularly in Indian cooking) what's your opinion on using non-stick cooking sprays instead?+
A:Many of these sprays are nothing but oil. Their single dose qualifies as zero calorie because it is less than 1/2 calorie (rounding of to zero) but you have to spray for only one tenth of a second which practically no body does.


Q: What is the alternative approach to diabetes treatment? +
A: The alternative approach focuses on eliminating the root cause, including a PBWF diet, avoiding animal foods, maintaining high activity levels, intermittent fasting, and practicing yoga and pranayama.
Q: What are the conflicting guidelines for diabetes management? +
A: Different organizations recommend varying A1C targets. ACP suggests an A1C level between 7-8%, ADA recommends 7%, AACE advises 6.5%, and more aggressive management targets below 5.7%. The PBWF diet along with a shorter eating window is key to curing diabetes.
Q: My sugar level is 175 and I have stopped all sweets and biscuits, but still the level is the same. Can I eat fruits? I have completely stopped sugar. +
A: Fruits are perfectly fine. A plant-based whole food diet can help regulate blood sugar levels.
Q: My A1C is 7.7 and I am on a plant-based diet and eating an early dinner, yet my fasting glucose is 110-115. How can I improve this? +
A: Include a 3-5 minute sprint before dinner to further lower A1C and fasting glucose levels.
Q: How to reduce blood sugar immediately without taking any medicine? +
A: Drink lots of water and walk for at least 60 minutes. Intermittent fasting and a plant-based whole foods diet also help. However, consult a physician for medical advice.
Q:My A1C went down from 8.0 to 7.1 to 6.8. Will Work towards lowering to below 6.5.+
A:"Hope you are off medications. Lowering A1C below 7.9 with medications is harmful to your health and increases your all cause mortality risk. If you are not on medication than it is best to forget about it. Lower A1C isn’t necessarily worth worrying about. Live and enjoy your life following PBWF/IF/10K."
Q: I have encouraged several friends to switch to PBWF and they are seeing the benefits. One person is able to stop his medicines, including twice-a-insulin, completely. However, several have their A1C between 6 and 6.5 and wonder if they need to start medication to lower it. Is 6 to 6.5 an acceptable A1C range for 60- to 62-year-olds that are not on any medication?+
A: According to American College of Physicians revised guidelines, medication should only be started above 8.0. But dietary changes to PBWF/IF/10K should be made.
Q: Now a days it has been heard quite often to minimize or restrict wheat-based roti to control diabetes. Is it really so? If yes, are 5/6 rotis a day in 2/3 meals ok or one need to further reduce intake of wheat based roti?+
A: To maintain good health, it's important to eat a variety of foods from each food group. If you have only consumed millet throughout your life, try adding wheat, rice, quinoa, oats, and corn to your diet. This diversification will enhance your health. Similarly, if you've primarily eaten other grains, incorporating millet can be beneficial.
Q: Should I take medicine if my fasting sugar is 150 after an 8-hour fasting window without medication?+
A: Fasting sugar is a flawed indicator. It can vary from 80 to 150 mg/dl in the same person on the same day depending upon at what time it is taken. It is called Dawn Phenomenon. Our body operates on a circadian rhythm changing hormonal levels throughout the day and night.
Q: What should be a diet to prevent Diabetes or stroke or heart attack or hypertension or asthma or arthritis or Alzheimer’s etc. etc.?+
A: It’s a wrong assumption that the healthy diet for different diseases must be different. If it was to be so, how do we decide which disease we want to prevent and which disease we don’t want to prevent. The premise is illogical. Any diet to be acceptable must benefit all chronic diseases. The PBWF/IF/10K diet and lifestyle helps prevent and cure all chronic diseases. For people who have reached advanced level of an illness (breakdown) or who have artificial organs or body parts, clearly one needs to consult doctors who specialize in such organs. Most of the components of the diet are pretty benign and should not create any problem with few exceptions; one that comes to mind is restriction on some green leafy vegetables (rich in oxalates) for advanced stage kidney diseases.


Q: How can we get adequate calcium without consuming dairy products? +
A: Green leafy vegetables, beans, and fortified plant-based milks are good sources of calcium. A PBWF diet can provide adequate calcium without dairy.
Q: Giving up dairy is the hard part. I consume yoghurt and Paneer routinely as a source of protein and calcium.+
A: Dairy does not provide calcium. It bleaches calcium out of the bones. Paneer is most harmful within dairy.
Q: Is Coconut / Almond / Oats Milk better compared to Cow's milk?+
A: Both are okay as long as you do not develop an addiction to them.


Q: Which exercises are recommended for overall health and wellness? +
A: Walking, sprinting, yoga, and strength training are all beneficial. A combination of these can help maintain overall health and wellness.
Q: Is there anything specific to reduce tummy?+
A: When the body loses fat, it loses all over; visceral fat is the first to go. For localized weight reduction, different exercises like sit-ups, forward and backward bends, certain yoga poses, and specific Pranayama exercises like Karpalbhati and Agnisar are recommended. Consult a yoga instructor.


Q:What are the different methods of prolonged fasting, and how should one approach them?+
A:Prolonged fasting can be done through liquid fasts, fruit-only fasts, water fasts, and dry fasts. It's important to introduce food slowly when breaking the fast.
Q: I have been doing 36-hour water fasting every Monday for last 5 months. Is there a regimen wherein I can break this for some weeks and then do for another few and then break again?+
A: This is a very good regimen. It is similar to Ekadashi fast. I do not know what is your daily tasting window. 36-hour figure suggests that you are following a 12:12 schedule. It would be better to make that at least 14:10 if not 16:8. You can reduce your fasting regimen to every other week.
Q: How can a diabetic and heart ailment person fast on Ekadashi only with water?+
A: Fasting helps diabetic the most. Of course, on fasting day there is no need for medication because you are not consuming any calories any way. The medication will cause hypoglycemia. Please consult your physician.
Q: In Hindu mostly people have not consumed rice on there any scientific reason behind it?+
A: Yes. Not only rice, one should not consume any grains or beans or dals. Because these foods have too much protein. The whole idea of Ekadashi fast is to avoid any proteins consumption. That is why we eat Sabudana which has no protein.
Q:Can you explain the stages the body goes through during fasting?+
A:Fasting triggers various stages in the body, including ketosis, autophagy, and changes in hormone levels.
Q:What is the role of intermittent fasting in diabetes management?+
A:Intermittent fasting can help improve insulin sensitivity and may benefit individuals with diabetes, but medication adjustments should be made under medical supervision.
Q:After the eating window of 8 hours what should one do if they feel hungry?+
A:"Some people may find it difficult to reduce eating window immediately. If so you can reduce it gradually by say, one hour each week. It takes 3 weeks to form a new habit. Eat some nuts after dinner but within the eating window. They keep you full longer.
Q:If a person is following IF, exercise, no dairy but still having meat. Will it still help the person ?+
A:Of the12 PBWF recommendations, only one is about not eating animal food. So if you follow the other 11 guidelines you will see improvements in health. In non-veg food the processed foods like bacon, ham, salami, bologna, hot dog and hamburger (at fast food chains) are the worst and should be avoided all costs. They are classified as Group-1 carcinogens by the World Health Organization, same as cigarettes.


Q: Why are healthy fats important in a diet, and what are the best sources? +
A: Healthy fats are essential for brain function and hormone production. Good sources include avocados, nuts, seeds, and olives.

Green Juice

Q: What are the benefits of drinking green juice daily? +
A: Green juice is rich in vitamins, minerals, and antioxidants. It can help boost immunity, improve digestion, and increase energy levels.

General Nutrition

Q: What is the best approach to ensure a balanced and nutritious diet? +
A: A PBWF diet that includes a variety of fruits, vegetables, whole grains, legumes, nuts, and seeds ensures balanced nutrition.
Q: What role do antioxidants play in preventing chronic diseases? +
A: Antioxidants help neutralize free radicals, which can cause oxidative stress and damage to cells, thereby reducing the risk of chronic diseases such as cancer, heart disease, and Alzheimer's disease.
Q: Which meals are suitable for those who have reversed chronic diseases? +
A: Meals with 5% oil, such as dal, rice, roti, subji; khichri with vegetables; stuffed parathas; idli sambhar; paper dosa; stir-fry veggies & rice, and others.
Q: What are the main triggers of inflammation that people should avoid for better overall health? +
A: Trans fats, added sugar, processed foods, and animal products are major triggers of inflammation. It's crucial to eliminate or minimize the intake of these substances for better overall health.
Q: As per Ayurveda, having raw vegetables (in juicing for example) can increase Vata Dosha imbalance. In Chicago where I live, I often juice in summer and do cook soups and foods in winter to avoid becoming Vata imbalanced. Would love your thoughts on this as it comes up often.+
A: Ayurveda has many different interpretations. Many people practice Ayurveda are not seriously educated. I have been diagnosed by different practitioners in all three types. Ayurveda in Kerala is different than in Tamil Nadu. Some allow dairy and some don’t. In the US to practice Ayurveda you need to be an MD first. Ayurveda is grossly being misinterpreted.
Q: Can we consume fruits after dinner if we are feeling hungry?+
A: First of all, fruits should never be consumed at the end of a meal as they digest much faster and therefore should be consumed in the beginning of the meal. Secondly consuming anything after dinner would shorten your IF window. Thirdly, as we had discussed during circadian rhythm as the third pillar of health, consuming fruits which are rich in glucose and fructose at night is not recommended because body converts them to triglycerides.
Q: What are the benefits and drawbacks of following a gluten-free diet?+
A: Gluten-free diets are beneficial for those with celiac disease or gluten intolerance. However, unnecessary gluten avoidance can lead to nutrient deficiencies if not managed properly.


Q: What are the benefits and drawbacks of following a gluten-free diet? +
A: Gluten-free diets are beneficial for those with celiac disease or gluten intolerance. However, unnecessary gluten avoidance can lead to nutrient deficiencies if not managed properly.

Heart disease

Q:Can you elaborate on the link between food, inflammation, and cardiovascular diseases?+
A:Inflammation is the body's response to perceived threats. Certain foods, particularly those high in animal proteins, can trigger inflammation. For cardiovascular health, it's essential to reduce inflammatory foods and increase the consumption of anti-inflammatory foods, like green leafy vegetables.
Q:How does the endothelium play a role in cardiovascular diseases, and what dietary changes can help prevent or improve these conditions?+
A:The endothelium, lining blood vessels, is crucial for smooth blood flow. Inflammatory foods contribute to plaque buildup, causing atherosclerosis. To prevent or improve cardiovascular diseases, one must stop consuming inflammatory foods and increase the intake of nitric oxide-releasing foods, especially green leafy vegetables.
Q: How does the endothelium play a role in cardiovascular diseases, and what dietary changes can help prevent or improve these conditions?+
A: The endothelium, lining blood vessels, is crucial for smooth blood flow. Inflammatory foods contribute to plaque buildup, causing atherosclerosis. To prevent or improve cardiovascular diseases, one must stop consuming inflammatory foods and increase the intake of nitric oxide-releasing foods, especially green leafy vegetables.
Q: I have query regarding high LDL. Recorded high LDL 190, borderline triglycerides 150 and HDL 75 in a routine checkup. Can we reverse it with PBWF diet? Or cholesterol medicine should be introduced with PBWF diet?+
A: Yes with PBWF/IF/10K it comes down quickly. Remember high LDL is a marker of poor health and not the cause of it. You need to remove the cause. Killing the messenger with medications will not help.
Q: How do one reduce my LDL cholesterol?+
A: One has to decide whether they want to get healthy or just lower LDL cholesterol. High LDL cholesterol is a marker that is telling you that your diet and lifestyle is not good and if continued, will shorten your life. Now if one doesn’t correct the diet and lifestyle and just lower LDL cholesterol by artificial means like statin drugs or some naturopathic drugs or superfoods, without correcting the real causes, it is not good. One is simply killing the messenger and not paying heed to the message. If you follow the 12-point guidelines the cause will be corrected and the body will heal and LDL cholesterol will drop.


Q: Any advice on using honey in smoothies etc when we are first trying to get away from using sugar from the diet?+
A: No. Honey is healthier than sugar but that doesn’t mean it is healthy.
Q: Is it good to consume local honey? How much can I consume without worrying about raising sugar level too much?+
A: Honey is not healthy. If you are off medications, you can use it as your budgeted amount of two teaspoons of sugar.

Intermittent fasting

Q:I feel hungry aftet the 8 hr eating window and find it difficult to sleep.Can you recomend a remedy for this.+
A:Some people may find it difficult to reduce the eating window immediately. If so, you can reduce it gradually by, say, one hour each week. It takes 3 weeks to form a new habit. Eat some nuts after dinner but within the eating window. They keep you full longer.

LDL Cholesterol

Q: How do one reduce my LDL cholesterol?+
A: One has to decide whether they want to get healthy or just lower LDL cholesterol. High LDL cholesterol is a marker that is telling you that your diet and lifestyle is not good and if continued, will shorten your life. Now if one doesn’t correct the diet and lifestyle and just lower LDL cholesterol by artificial means like statin drugs or some naturopathic drugs or superfoods, without correcting the real causes, it is not good. One is simply killing the messenger and not paying heed to the message. If you follow the 12-point guidelines the cause will be corrected and the body will heal and LDL cholesterol will drop.


Q:Is Coconut / Almond / Oats Milk better compared to Cow's milk ?+
A:Both are okay as long as you do not develop an addiction to them.


Q: Do you recommend monk fruit sweetener as a viable sugar substitute?+
A: No. No artificial sweeteners. They make you fat and cause diabetes.

Other Topic

Q: After starting to take juice, I am feeling gas and acidity far few days. What should I do, should I stop or there is remedies to control gas and acidity?+
A: If the gas and acidity persist, consider consulting a healthcare professional. You may also try consuming smaller quantities of juice or diluting it with water to see if that helps.
Q: I have query regarding high LDL. Recorded high LDL 190, borderline triglycerides 150 and HDL 75 in a routine checkup. Can we reverse it with PBWF diet? Or cholesterol medicine should be introduced with PBWF diet?+
A: Yes with PBWF/IF/10K it comes down quickly. Remember high LDL is a marker of poor health and not the cause of it. You need to remove the cause. Killing the messenger with medications will not help.
Q: I have been following PBWF/10K/IF for more than a year but still got diagnosed with an autoimmune. Though my thyroid medications went down by 40%. Should I still continue with the diet?+
A: This is not a diet that you do for a few months. It is a lifestyle to be continued for life. Many people on serious evaluation find that their compliance is much less than originally thought.
Q: What is your take on Ghee? Is it good or bad? In one of YouTube link below, it is mentioned that ghee is good. Is this true?+
A: No. Ghee is not good but it is better than most oils. Once you are off all medications as an exception, you can consume, two tsp of ghee or mustard oil.

Pillars of health

Q:What are the five pillars of health according to Lalit M Kapoor?+
A:The five pillars of health, according to Lalit M Kapoor, are Food, Detoxification, Physical Activity, Emotional Support of Family and Friends, and Spiritual Balance. Food, accounting for 80% of health, is the most significant pillar, while the remaining factors collectively account for 20%.LMK emphasizes the importance of food in providing nutrition and energy, laying the foundation for overall health.

Protein Intake

Q: How can one ensure adequate protein intake on a plant-based diet? +
A: Including a variety of plant-based protein sources like beans, lentils, tofu, tempeh, nuts, and seeds can ensure adequate protein intake.
Q:Can you highlight the protein myth especially with regard to the storage of macronutrients in the body?+
A:Proteins, fats, and carbohydrates provide energy for the body. While fats and carbs can be stored, there is no storage provision for protein. Excess protein leads to the liver converting nitrogen to ammonia and then to uric acid, putting a strain on the kidneys and liver.

Sugar Substitutes

Q: What are the healthiest alternatives to refined sugar? +
A: Healthier alternatives include natural sweeteners like dates, maple syrup, and stevia. These options are less processed and contain more nutrients than refined sugar.
Q: Do you recommend monk fruit sweetener as a viable sugar substitute?+
A: No. No artificial sweeteners. They make you fat and cause diabetes.
Q: Is consuming stevia leaves acceptable?+
A: Eating stevia leaves is okay but not sweetener. People forget that sugar is also a plant-based product. Eating sugar cane is fine. The problem is only with sugar.


Q: Are supplements necessary on a PBWF diet? +
A: Generally, a well-planned PBWF diet provides all necessary nutrients. However, vitamin B12 and vitamin D supplements may be needed for some individuals.

Vitamin D

Q: Since vitamin D is fat soluble do you recommend some fat when one is taking vitamin D and supplement or increasing direct sun exposure?+
A: No. There is always some fat in your diet. I hope you are taking flax seeds and walnuts.

Weight Loss

Q: What are the most effective strategies for weight loss on a PBWF diet? +
A: Combining a PBWF diet with regular exercise, intermittent fasting, and mindful eating practices are effective strategies for weight loss.
Q:Can you explain the occurrence of skin issues during weight loss?+
A:Skin issues during weight loss may occur as toxins stored in fat are released and eliminated from the body, leading to temporary skin problems like pimples, which usually resolve over time.
Q:I have lost 10 kh on 5 months and continued with PBWF lifestyle .Now the weight is stuck and am not reducing any more weight Can u highlight what could be the reason for it ?+
A:Please follow the PBWF 12 point guidelines and evaluate your performance against the guidelines. See where you are falling short and make up. Those who wish to lose more weight or quickly, need to minimize the consumption in the nuts & seeds group to minimum and increase the consumption in the green leafy vegetables group. You are essentially replacing caloric dense foods with nutrient dense foods. Also monitor your weight as BMI. In PBWF/IF/10K regimen the BMI should stabilize in 22-24 range.